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Cannabis and Wellness

A couple of years ago, if someone mentioned the word cannabis, you would hear an earful about how harmful it is and why you should stay away. Nowadays, however, not only are people discovering how safe cannabis is, but also how beneficial it is for your health.

“The plant is so unique, and in terms of the benefits it provides, we’re just beginning to scratch the surface—from things like sleep and pain that are more related to quality of life, to more serious health issues,” says Samantha Miller, Chief Science Officer at Dosist, a Northern California company that makes vaporizer “dose pens” in different formulations for effects like “calm,” “sleep,” and “arouse.” Products like Dosist’s are also making cannabis accessible to a wider health-conscious audience by taking smoking out of the equation and providing carefully measured doses of cannabis with targeted purposes. “There are entire groups of conditions that cannabis is useful in treating,” says David Bearman, MD, who prescribes medical marijuana in California.

What is in Cannabis?

Cannabis is made up of two main components, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it will not get you high. THC, which produces the high, interacts with the body in a different way. Each has therapeutic benefits. Some of those benefits are important to overall wellness.


Good health requires a fair amount of relaxation for skin and body rejuvenation. Experts recommend at least 20 minutes of your day for revitalizing activities. A hobby, for example. It is easy to neglect relaxation for the stress of life, but it is important for your overall well-being to read, draw, write, garden, yoga, and more. Cannabis allows you to truly relax, enjoy yourself, and forget all worry.

Nutrition and Exercise

Using cannabis instead of alcohol is better for your weight. Ethanol is toxic and your body must process it before it can digest your food, forcing you to store fat until later. Cannabis however, improves digestive function by aiding food processing, and there are no calories in smoking or vaping. Cannabis is an ideal motivator. It has a famous reputation for it. The right sativa strain is energizing and uplifting. It encourages action, determination, and mental challenge. It can empower you to push your limitations and go outdoors for some fun, focusing on your body and surroundings instead of the mental ruts in your head. Daily exercise struggles are a past problem for many using the right strains.

Restore Your Sleep Cycle

Sleep is essential for maintaining our mental and physical health, yet it eludes many people. According to the American Sleep Association, 50 to 70 million U.S. adults experience symptoms of a sleep disorder. About 30 percent of the population will experience insomnia at some point in their lives, and about 10 percent of adults will deal with chronic insomnia. So, if getting shut-eye is getting harder and harder — well, you’re not alone. Cannabis is an effective sleep aid because it restores your natural sleep cycle, which so often falls out of sync with our schedules in today’s modern lifestyle. Whether you have a sleep disorder or you’re having difficulty sleeping after a stressful day, cannabis could help you. The analgesic properties of cannabis might provide some relief for those with chronic pain, while antianxiety properties can soothe a stressed-out mind and body.

Innovative Products

With the legalization of cannabis in California, as well as other states and countries, creativity with new cannabis products in becoming very interesting to follow. You can eat chocolates infused with CBD made by trendy health food delivery company Sakara, which promises “feelings of bliss and relaxation.” Or mix Aceso’s powder CBD supplements into your water or smoothie for “energy, wellness, and mood stability.”There are also other products that incorporate CBD, such as body balm, breath spray and infused honey. All offer some of CBD’s benefits, including pain relief, reduction of inflammation and easing of anxiety, but will not get you high.

Edibles are officially getting a makeover, and it’s about time. For awhile, edibles were lacking labels and well-defined doses. Now, companies like To Whom It May are controlling the dosage so consumers can discover what amount of THC is right for them.

Topicals are taking over the beauty isle. If you want to witness the herb’s medicinal value first hand, then you need to try a topical. In addition to reducing inflammation, cannabis skincare can ease away muscle pain and heal eczema. Apothecanna is giving the mainstream world of skincare a run for its money. If these products ever make it to your local Walmart or CVS, the last thing you’ll ever want to pick up is a bottle of Aveeno.

How Much is Enough?

The effects of consuming cannabis can vary from person to person, and they are dependent on the type or amount consumed, as well as the method in which it is consumed. If you decide to consume cannabis start low. Ingesting too much cannabis can be very unpleasant. Be sure to read any product packaging. Many states have laws that require packaging to indicate the total milligrams of THC in the product. Go slow, it can take as long as two hours to experience the effects of cannabis-infused products. There is no standard dosing that fits everyone. Much comes into play when you’re looking for the right dose for you, personal metabolism, genetics, hormone levels, how much you’ve eaten, and how you feel that day in general.

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